Monday, April 30, 2012

Health Sex


If the mind is burdened with various problems that cause stress, you may need to select one of the drugs most easy and natural, that's a healthy sex. Studies show that sexual intercourse can help ease the burden on the body and mind, reduce tension and improve your mood.

there are three reasons why a healthy sex life makes people to be happy, as reported by clevelandclin
  • A better life
    Study after study shows that people with a healthy sex life have a great sense of well being. The more you have sex, your personal happiness may be higher. "When people feel happy and satisfied in sexual relations, it may be able to protect from depression, anxiety or other health risks," said Debby Herbenick, PhD, MPH, a professor at the Kinsey Institute and author of Because It Feels Good: A Woman's Guide to Sexual Pleasure and Satisfactio.
  • Overcoming Stress.
    Some studies have suggested a direct relationship between a healthy sex, with less stress.
    In a study in 2005 in England, researchers tracked the sexual activity of men and women over a period of two weeks. Participants were then faced with two events, especially the rise of tension such as public speaking and solving math problems. The researchers then measured the blood pressure to determine the stress reaction. The result is people who do not have sex at all had the highest blood pressure response from everyone, and vice versa.
  • strengthen ties
    One theory about the relationship between sexual activity and satisfaction focuses on the release of oxytocin during orgasm in both men and women. The hormone oxytocin is known as the hormone of love which is expected to strengthen the bond and intimacy with your partner. In women, these hormones are also necessary during childbirth and breastfeeding, and to enhance the bond between mother and infant. Oxytocin is also allegedly responsible for the release of endorphins, natural painkillers and mood boosters.
That's why a healthy sex life = a happy life ..! ^_^!
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Sunday, April 29, 2012

Why Some Men, willing to pay For Sex?

secret agent of United States  a named the Secret Service, is conducting an investigation into the alleged involvement of members in a prostitution scandal in Colombia. Secret agent this reportedly visited the club a stripper when she was escorting President Obam. Apart from the validity of this news, this accusation raises the question why these people are willing to jeopardize his job just for sex?
 "One of the motivations for seeking prostitutes for some men is that there is something interesting or risky. Something that is illegal makes it more interesting," said Martin Monto, a sociologist at the University of Portland as reported by Live Science. The survey shows that there are about 1% of men in the United States a visited prostitutes in a year. Approximately 16% of men have visited a prostitute in her life. Service user prostitutes are less likely to marry than to most men, that only amounted to 44.2% compared to the general population of 59.3%. If a man is married johns, marriage tends to be unhappy. The reason, men tend to be more free johns sexually, than men who do not visit prostitutes.

The man who claims to have more contact with prostitutes tend to have many sexual partners, do a lot of sexual activity, less happy with her ​​marriage and sexually freer than men who only visited once. Men who like to 'snack' tend to see prostitutes as a way of life, and having sex partners in a much larger amount, than a smooth operator normal. "In general, most men know that prostitution and human trafficking is a bad thing. They realize that this is not desired by women. Prostitution exists to satisfy a man, makes his world so interesting and add variety," said researcher Melissa Farley.

Some men visit prostitutes because they want to have sex more, or get a different sex partner other than their permanent. Another factor is due to loneliness and feeling awkward, or difficult to date to establish a relationship with a woman. 

Research conducted in 2006 in Sweden and published in the journal Sexologies discover why men frequenting prostitutes:
  • Some men have a 'whore fantasy', is pleased with what is considered 'dirty' or contemptible than a prostitute because it was considered as an interesting thing.
  • Some other people want to acquire new sexual experiences, but did not dare to ask from your wife or girlfriend.
  • Some also considered prostitutes as a consumer product, everyone can go and get what they want.
  • Some people have sex with a prostitute as a cure for loneliness. Most of these people are elderly people who are older, insecure or have a physical disability and see only as a prostitute for sex and found a female friend.
  • There is also a claim to feel that sex workers more and treat it like a man willing to do whatever he commands.
This is the reason why men are  Pay willing  For Sex
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Saturday, April 28, 2012

substances that can shorten a man's penis

Exposure to toxic chemicals that can be encountered in everyday life not only destroying the quality of sperm. Physically visible, the size of the male genitalia can also be retracts because of the toxins that come from the industry. A watchdog environmental toxins, EcoWaste Coalition warns that exposure to a chemical derived from the increasingly threatening the health industry. Both the men and women, the toxins can damage the reproductive system.

Experts from these agencies classify the toxins Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals in the group (EDC), or material destruction kimi endocrine system. Included in this group are Bisphenol A (BPA), Poly Chlorinated Biphenyl (PCB), parabens and phthalates. Toxic BPA found in plastic products, processed food packaging and receipt. PCB is widely available in electronic products, while parabens and phthalates in products of daily care such as soap and shampoo.

During this time, the threat of such materials more associated with sperm damage in terms of quality and quantity. Although not visible, the damage was very scary because it could make a man not able to produce offspring. However, the experts warn, could be more serious threat of danger among others to make the size of the penis shorter. The more often and a lot of exposure to these materials, the male genitalia is threatened to be shorter. "For women, EDC toxins also affect the development of the reproductive system. Fertility decline, and more quickly through menopause. EDC also increase the risk of breast cancer," said one expert, Dr. Markus Johansson.

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Friday, April 27, 2012

Do you know, what that can kill sperm?

Some men may have adopted a healthy life with diligent exercise and stop smoking to avoid erectile dysfunction and other sexual problems. But man still needs to be vigilant with sperm quality, because all around you there are a lot of stuff surprising things that can kill sperm.

The following are a few killers sperms that are around you, you should know.!!
  1. Memorandum of Supermarket cashier.
    About 40 percent of the memorandum cashier that you get after shopping coated with the chemical bisphenol A (BPA) which has been linked to fertility problems and heart disease.
    A new study published in the journal Fertility and Sterility found that men with higher levels of BPA in their urine had lower sperm counts and sperm quality lower than men with low levels.
  2. canned food.
    Many researchers believe that the greatest source of BPA is contamination  foods that  packaged in cans. Almost all of the metal cans lined with BPA resin, which can migrate into food in it. Canned products such as tomato paste or sauce containing high amounts of BPA.
  3. Sex Toys.
    Sex toys, made ​​of plastic material containing phthalates are chemicals linked to cancer, allergies, birth defects, and infertility. Use sex toys of high quality silicone material and medically safe.
  4. Bathroom equipment.
    Phthalates are not only found in sex toys, but also in soaps, shampoos, cleansers, and the vinyl shower curtain. Choose soap and shampoo made ​​from natural ingredients. Avoid personal care products that have a smell or scent.
  5. Seats of Vehicles  HeatWhen the vehicle is parked in the sun, will heat up the vehicle seat. Do not sit directly on the hot seat because it can damage sperm quality.
  6. Skillet Anti Sticky.
    Chemicals used in nonstick the pots and pans often contain perfluoroalkyl acids that make it more difficult for your partner pregnant. A study in 2009 in Denmark, published in Environmental Health Perspectives, found that men with high levels of perfluoroalkyl only has half the normal number of sperm cells.
  7. Cosmetics and foods containing preservatives.
    Parabens used in cosmetics, cleansers, and even some processed foods as a preservative. Though paraben not only can affect breast cancer, but also the abnormal genetic changes in the male sperm
  8. Natural gas.
    A study published in 2010 in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives. found that benzene in the natural gas will cause genetic damage in sperms when a man exposed directly in the long term. This would risk the risk of birth defects in your child.
That's some things you should watch out and to maintain the quality of your sperm.
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Thursday, April 26, 2012

Tips for Choosing Exercise Apparel

not just office wear or other formal wear his clothes for the exercising should also be well chosen. After a hard workout, your body will feel tired and sweaty. Clothing worn during exercise will greatly affect the comfort. There are several factors that can affect the comfort level of the clothes worn during exercise, such as fabric and type of exercise will be conducted. Some fabrics are designed to absorb sweat from the skin during exercise.
The following are some tips for choosing the right clothing to exercise, according to the type of sport, and season :
  • Use clothing that the material easy to absorb sweat. In order to quickly evaporate sweat and keep your body cool, clothing made from fabrics containing polypropylene or Coolmax and Supplex fabric is a good choice. Sweat-soaked clothes and make hot certainly not comfortable to wear.
  • Do not use a cotton cloth. Cottons does not easily absorb sweat from the skin or helps to quickly evaporate perspiration. That's why sports clothing made ​​of cottons was heavy and wet as exercising is used.
  • Avoid fabrics that the pores are not meetings or the even a porous. Never wear clothes made of rubber or plastic material. Such material is made ​​hard sweat to evaporate and cause the body temperature remains high during exercise.
  • Wear a a loose and comfortable clothing. For walking or the cycling, do not wear baggy pants because it can be entangled in a bicycle or feet pedal.
  • For activities such as yoga or the gymnastics floor, which contain fiber cloth wacking is a good choice.
  • If you exercise outdoors or doing seasonal sports, clothing worn should also be adjusted according to seasonal conditions.
  • During the summer, select a fabric that allows skin to breathe and helps the evaporation of sweat. Using a cool, comfortable clothing will allow the body to move freely.
  • As the cold weather, you should wear warm clothing. But keep in mind that exercise can increase heart rate and body temperature. Wear a clothing that is easy to double released, and make sure the temperature in warmer clothing than the temperature of the thermometer. 
That's a few tips you can do to make your sports comfortable ...!
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Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Allergic beneficial for health?!

Allergies can be annoying until deadly. The symptoms can include itching, coughing and even airway obstruction.  allergies are the body's defense mechanism to dispel harmful substances. Experts say that when the body has an allergy, there are other things in the body that is going on. Allergies are actually the body's defenses to repel parasitic diseases. Mersepon allergies develop because the body of parasites, but turned the wrong target so that no harmful substances such as pollen and dust can also trigger allergies

"But the allergens from the environment and the food has much in common with the parasite. There is an explanation why the immune system can be up to respond to something that is not harmful microbes," said Ruslan Medzhitov, a professor of immunobiology at the Yale School of Medicine as reported by CNN, In an article in the journal Nature, Medzhitov and colleagues investigated whether there are other explanations for allergies? In conclusion, he argues that the allergy was intended to eliminate harmful substances from the body. 

In the case of seasonal allergies to trees or pollen, common symptoms are usually runny nose, watery eyes and lots of produce mucus in the respiratory system. All this has the same effect, which is trying to expel something from the body undesirable. Similarly, when the skin itches because it touched the trigger allergies, the desire to scratch has the effect of removing the particles that come into contact with skin. But sometimes it turns into extreme conditions, ie itching uncontrollably, and no longer intends to get rid of substances that are harmful to the skin. 

Symptoms of food allergy include vomiting and diarrhea are also trying to drive out unwanted substances. The most severe reaction is a swelling on and off the mouth or throat and even respiratory distress. This is an extreme form of allergic reaction normal, but growing out of control and can cause death. "There are several types of allergies are intended to execute important tasks that benefit the body. However, if this mechanism becomes uncontrolled, it can cause problems," said Medzhitov. Some people have extreme reactions while others do not. According to Medzhitov, there are certain components of the foods we eat everyday, and its effect on the body is still not known with certainty. Maybe there are certain chemicals in some foods that have harmful effects on the body's cells are slightly toxic.

Mucus production in people who develop allergies increase protection from pollutants in the air because it causes the body to inhale fewer pollutants. If the pollutants are carcinogenic, people with allergies will be better protected against certain types of cancer over time. The body will react to avoid a dangerous environment so as to avoid the risk. A study in 2011 showed that the allergy may prevent glioma, the most common form of brain tumor. However, more research needs to be done to support this conclusion. "We believe that the allergy developed to detect hazardous substances in the environment. After the first exposure to allergens, the immune system will remember the next exposure to allergens and will stimulate a response that helps minimize the effects of potential hazards," said Medzhitov.

According to Medzhitov, some people have a better ability to detoxify substances than others. And those who lack this detoxification mechanism is not allergic to self-defense sys..

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Allergy in infants

Allergic reactions or hypersensitivity is an exaggerated immune response, with varying degrees ranging from mild to severe, on the substance which under normal circumstances is not really dangerous. served immune system protects the body against substances harmful antigens. however, in people who are 'sensitive' immune system may overreact to the substance, is that for most people is usually not harmful. arise as a result of allergies. 
allergies experienced by each person is not the same. some only allergic to one substance only.
while others may be allergic to various substances, infants and young children are generally more prone to allergies because their immune systems are still not fully developed and in the adaptation stage, on the surrounding environment, allergen will cause allergic reactions through direct contact and skin, respiratory tract (inhalation), gastrointestinal tract (food), injection reaction (eg injection or bites insect). 

Allergic reactions can be seasonal, which is triggered by plant pollen, Allergic reactions can also be triggered by medications, certain foods, dust or animal dander, cause of allergies in infants aged 0-1 years most foods (milk), medications, infections, insect, disease specific systematic.

As far as possible to avoid allergies, for example by stopping the use of drugs that trigger allergies, do not maintain the animals in the house, use the air filter, and do not give food to infants who are not age-appropriate. clean and change bed sheets and pillow / bolster / covers, periodically so as not to become a den of dust and fleas, Washing items in hot water, clean the air conditioner in the room / space periodic. clean the furniture so as not to be used as a nest of insects and rodents. get rid of substances that can irritate the respiratory tract, such as cigarettes, smoke burnt garbage from the house. Avoid exposure to plant pollen and mold / mosses. When traveling by car, close the window and plug the AC car