Friday, April 13, 2012

want to stay young?

is there anyone in this world who do not want to stay young? possible for most people, stay young is very important, especially for women, apart to seek the attention of the opposite sex is also of course to make her confidence increased.

In principle, in order to stay young, we are encouraged to eat foods full of nutrients and low in calories, eating the right fats in a timely manner, ensuring that the meal is an enjoyable event. So, rather than focusing attention on the calorie content of each meal, it's better to focus first on nutrition. Because foods high in nutrients, usually low kalori.Sesudah it, try reducing the consumption of excessive calories. Finally, balance the intake of nutrients, calories and fat in the daily diet.

there are some powerful strategies that you can do at home, so you stay young. 

First. Eat only in certain places. Set the dining room as attractive as possible in your home and get used to just eat there. Use utensils with beautiful shapes and colors. Complete with a variety of interesting accessories. So by looking at it, you're smiling, happy.

Second. Snacking the Smart way. Of the snacking on unhealthy foods between meals, try eating more often in smaller portions. If the research is usually conducted at the University of Toronto, Canada, people who eat this way lower cholesterol levels, decreases the risk of heart attack, and did not undergo premature aging of the arteries more than people who eat three times in the same amount. Prepared snacks made ​​from pieces of fruit and vegetables such as (cucumbers, peppers, celery, or carrots, broccoli and beans are boiled briefly.

Third. Make a habit of reading labels. Before you put the groceries in the form of processed foods in the cart, consider first the label, see table nutrients that make the amount of nutrients that contain calories, cholesterol, sodium , saturated fat and total fat per serving size. Serving sizes will help decide how much you should eat these products so that the calories in excess.

Four. Perform Substitution. Eating healthy foods does not mean parting forever with your favorite dishes. You can still use the books of the old recipes as a guide. In order to be healthy recipes, you only replace certain materials that should be avoided. For example, instead of butter (the source of saturated fat) or margarine (trans fat sources) with olive oil or canola oil, full cream milk can be replaced with skim milk, light cream can be replaced while the soy milk, and sour cream can be replaced with low-fat yogurt.

Five. The become good Consumer. Get used to not visit the supermarket when you're hungry. Because the conditions of hunger may encourage you to spend more money and make wise spending decisions are not, for example, be tempted to buy unhealthy food. But if your tight schedule and want to shop after work, prepare about 30 grams almound / roasted peanuts or a piece of fruit and a bottle of water. Drink enough before entering the store. This can help drive out hunger that can make your shopping exc. 

Six. Learn to Plan Menus and Cooking. Plan your meals every day, so you do not choose food impulsively, which eventually destroy your healthy diet. Encourage children and other family members to participate in the several kinds of healthy foods they like best, whether warnnya, taste, or smell, so that the meal or cook together more enjoyable.

Seven. Create Variations Menu.  Variations in the daily diet is very important because it helps provide a balanced nutritional content of food, the body needs. So do not just pick one of two types of tau alone in one food group. For example, eating fruit, even oranges and bananas are your favorite foods, usahan also to consume apples, papaya, pineapple, watermelon, mango, strawberries and other fruits in turn.

Eight. Eat First, a little healthy fat. If you are overweight and want to slim down, eat less fat, especially saturated and trans fats. Avoid animal meat, especially fatty foods. Choose healthy fats found in olive oil a lot, bua avocados, almonds, walnuts, mucadamia, brazil nut, Walnut or fish. One meal, olive oil and a half tablespoons enough, while the nuts you should consume approximately 6 seeds whole cashews, or 12 seeds, almonds, brazil nuts or seeds 4, or 6 or 8 seed seed macadania walnut sides. 

Nine. Drinking Enough Water. Because 60 percent of our body consists of water, then we need at least 8 cups (2 liters) of water a day so that all body systems function optimally. Water is needed by the body to perform multiple functions ranging from removing toxins, and miscellaneous waste from the body, for every chemical reaction in the body, also helps maintain the acid-base balance of our bodies.  

Ten. Keep your portions Eat. Paying attention to portion sizes is a good way to control weight and regulate the amount of calorie intake. Use the size of a fist, 

Eleven. Do not Eat While Daydreaming. When a panic or rush, we often eat while daydreaming so without us realizing we eat too much. Too often we eat not because of hunger. Because of this notice when the emergence of the desire to eat it, whether as anger, panic, frustration, or want to celebrate something. However, we also must not intentionally delay a meal, so do not get food for a long time, then direct the body's metabolism slows down, so all the calories in the form of protein, fats or carbohydrates are stored directly as fat  

And the last one do not owe. people who have many debts sometimes look older. It dikarnakan heavy burden of thinking. better accept what is, grateful for what we have and do not owe. because it will burden your mind

That's some strategies that you can do to stay young ... not that make you become a baby again ^ ^
thanks for reading...may be useful


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