Thursday, April 19, 2012


Anemia is a blood disorder that most often found, where the level of hemoglobin in the blood decreases to below the normal range according to age and sex, in addition to decreased hemoglobin, anemia are also a decrease in the number of red blood cells (erythrocytes). 

Hemoglobin is the component of red blood cells that carries oxygen served from the lungs to body tissues. Iron deficiency anemia is a type of anemia is often found. Iron substance is an essential component of hemoglobin, and in the blood. this usually occurs in women of childbearing age. 

but are also can occur in infants, children and adolescents in its infancy, pernicious anemia is one type of anemia where the lack of substance (intrinsic factor) needed by the body to absorbing and process the vitamin B12 in the body, This type of anemia is often hereditary (inherited) and is usually experienced by elderly individuals. deficiency anemia folate acid characterized by reduced number of red blood cells, and red blood cells large sized (abnormal) or also called megaloblastic anemia

poor diet and alcohol consumption habits is the most common cause folate acids anemia deficiency.  in addition, folate acids deficiency can also be caused by factors. such as malabsorption and use of certain drugs (eg antibiotics). 
Such symptoms commonly experienced as weight loss, diarrhea, and reduced ability to perform physical exercise (sports)

recommended for sufferers :  eat foods with balanced nutrition, including foods rich in iron, Among other things, fish and milk products. 
alcohol consumption should be limited and consumed folate acids supplements during pregnancy, this is to prevent the occurrence of folate acids deficiency anemia. always wear the footwear (shoes and slippers) to prevent worm infestation. 
Avoid excessive exposure to fuel (fuel), insecticides, chemicals, and other toxic substances because can cause anemia.

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