Saturday, April 28, 2012

substances that can shorten a man's penis

Exposure to toxic chemicals that can be encountered in everyday life not only destroying the quality of sperm. Physically visible, the size of the male genitalia can also be retracts because of the toxins that come from the industry. A watchdog environmental toxins, EcoWaste Coalition warns that exposure to a chemical derived from the increasingly threatening the health industry. Both the men and women, the toxins can damage the reproductive system.

Experts from these agencies classify the toxins Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals in the group (EDC), or material destruction kimi endocrine system. Included in this group are Bisphenol A (BPA), Poly Chlorinated Biphenyl (PCB), parabens and phthalates. Toxic BPA found in plastic products, processed food packaging and receipt. PCB is widely available in electronic products, while parabens and phthalates in products of daily care such as soap and shampoo.

During this time, the threat of such materials more associated with sperm damage in terms of quality and quantity. Although not visible, the damage was very scary because it could make a man not able to produce offspring. However, the experts warn, could be more serious threat of danger among others to make the size of the penis shorter. The more often and a lot of exposure to these materials, the male genitalia is threatened to be shorter. "For women, EDC toxins also affect the development of the reproductive system. Fertility decline, and more quickly through menopause. EDC also increase the risk of breast cancer," said one expert, Dr. Markus Johansson.

I have some information about the disease, prevention, and treatment alternatives that you can do yourself at home, if you memerlukanya information about the disease you want to know please coment. I'll try to release it in the next article ... Thanks For reading

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