Sunday, April 29, 2012

Why Some Men, willing to pay For Sex?

secret agent of United States  a named the Secret Service, is conducting an investigation into the alleged involvement of members in a prostitution scandal in Colombia. Secret agent this reportedly visited the club a stripper when she was escorting President Obam. Apart from the validity of this news, this accusation raises the question why these people are willing to jeopardize his job just for sex?
 "One of the motivations for seeking prostitutes for some men is that there is something interesting or risky. Something that is illegal makes it more interesting," said Martin Monto, a sociologist at the University of Portland as reported by Live Science. The survey shows that there are about 1% of men in the United States a visited prostitutes in a year. Approximately 16% of men have visited a prostitute in her life. Service user prostitutes are less likely to marry than to most men, that only amounted to 44.2% compared to the general population of 59.3%. If a man is married johns, marriage tends to be unhappy. The reason, men tend to be more free johns sexually, than men who do not visit prostitutes.

The man who claims to have more contact with prostitutes tend to have many sexual partners, do a lot of sexual activity, less happy with her ​​marriage and sexually freer than men who only visited once. Men who like to 'snack' tend to see prostitutes as a way of life, and having sex partners in a much larger amount, than a smooth operator normal. "In general, most men know that prostitution and human trafficking is a bad thing. They realize that this is not desired by women. Prostitution exists to satisfy a man, makes his world so interesting and add variety," said researcher Melissa Farley.

Some men visit prostitutes because they want to have sex more, or get a different sex partner other than their permanent. Another factor is due to loneliness and feeling awkward, or difficult to date to establish a relationship with a woman. 

Research conducted in 2006 in Sweden and published in the journal Sexologies discover why men frequenting prostitutes:
  • Some men have a 'whore fantasy', is pleased with what is considered 'dirty' or contemptible than a prostitute because it was considered as an interesting thing.
  • Some other people want to acquire new sexual experiences, but did not dare to ask from your wife or girlfriend.
  • Some also considered prostitutes as a consumer product, everyone can go and get what they want.
  • Some people have sex with a prostitute as a cure for loneliness. Most of these people are elderly people who are older, insecure or have a physical disability and see only as a prostitute for sex and found a female friend.
  • There is also a claim to feel that sex workers more and treat it like a man willing to do whatever he commands.
This is the reason why men are  Pay willing  For Sex
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