Everyone will love the midnight snack, or snack before bed, to calm the stomach or help you sleep. But not many know that good food choices in the middle of the night. that can affect a person's hibernation. When some types of foods can help you fall asleep, then so can other foods (fatty or greasy either) in fact be disastrous for your break.
If you want to sleep in peace, here are 10 foods you should avoid before bedtime,...!!
ice cream you know full-fat ice cream, so if you insist on eating it, you'll be able to sleep soundly, because your body burning fat, and sugar will pump up your energy just right before you go to bed. Sugar also will accumulate and turn into fat. In addition, according to one study, high sugared foods before bedtime can cause nightmares.
celery. Celery is a natural diuretic compounds. By eating celery before bed, you will urinate more than usual in the middle of your sleeping hours. Diuretics increase the frequency of urination because the compound is pushing water into the system. Although vegetables are most nutritious food you can give to the body, but avoid vegetables like celery so that you sleep undisturbed.
Pasta. Pasta is a food that fits, quickly and easily created for people who require fast food and fast food runs out before bed, but this is not a midnight snack is ideal for you.Pasta contains carbohydrates is full and if you go straight to bed after eating, all food will turn into fat.
In addition, most of the pasta has a high glikemi index so that it can play your blood sugar levels, delay sleep and often wake you up at night.
pizza. A layer of tomato sauce has a high acidity, but it's generally a fatty and greasy toppings, especially high-fat meat and cheese can make your stomach heat
Candy. One of the easiest and worst way to ruin your sleep is a nightmare that feels very real. Recent studies have shown that 7 out of 10 people who eat junk food like candy before bed prone to having nightmares. The hypothesis is that the high sugar content of sugar creates brain waves associated with the nightmare that it seems more horrible ..
Cereals. Cereals often contain refined sugar and full of carbohydrates. These foods will keep your blood sugar levels soaring, so is not the ideal way to soothe your body before bedtime. Instead of eating a sugary cereal, look for a healthier cereals with whole grains such as cereals and low in sugar.
Garlic. In addition to causing bad breath, garlic is known as "hot herbal" and just as with spicy foods, garlic can also make heartburn.Because
of its side effects upset your stomach, if you have a weak stomach or
are prone to acid reflux, better avoid these foods, especially before
Dark chocolate. Although delicious, dark chocolate is one of the foods you should avoid before bed.Dark chocolate is also a source of caffeine. In addition, chocolate filled with stimulants such as theobromine which is known to make your heart beat faster.The only savior is that white chocolate does not contain theobromine and caffeine are usually low.
Alcohol. There
is a common belief that alcohol consumption is a lot at night makes you
sleep very soundly, but it's not entirely accurate. Although sometimes alcohol does help you fall asleep, but it did not provide a break lasting and refreshing.In
fact, alcohol interfere with the function of the restoration of sleep
and often make the hours seem short because of sleep after taking them,
you will often wake during the night. Moreover, people who regularly drink alcohol tend to fall asleep to dependence on alcohol, so creating a cycle of frustration.
Red Meat. The problem of red meat is full of protein and fat which will make you work hard all night. To get a deep sleep, ideally you want the whole system in your body calm, whereas meat takes longer to digest than other foods.Do not necessarily avoid red meat because the iron content and high tritopannya can help you sleep. Just do not eat right before bed or your body will be busy digesting all night.
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