Monday, April 9, 2012

Six Surprising Pain Triggers

you can not see the pain but when you feel it, it's hard for you to think about other things. There are many things that can trigger the pain, but six the trigger  is quite surprising.

Do you have chronic pain that had lasted at least 6 months or pain due to injury or excessive use of the organ, you do not have to continue to use painkillers for hold it. Check the six triggers pain below and to find out how you can overcome that pain-free, as reported from MSN Health.

one anger. Restrain anger can actually be a pain in your back. In one study, people who are troubled with chronic back pain were asked to express his anger verbally or hold it. According to the Psychosomatic Medicine, participants who remained silent had more pressure on the muscles of the spine. Straining muscles will be sore when you experience back pain or pain caused by lifting too much stuff.

If you try to suppress anger, you will only keep the tension in the muscles and increase pain. Also focus your attention on efforts to understand or adjust your feelings and move it into your mind so you never really let go of anger.

At other times when you are angry, consider whether your jaw hardens or your breath quickened. These signs help but feel you, so do the opposite and let your jaw slack off or take a deep breath.

Two of your Smartphone. If you hold your cell phone between shoulder and ear so you can be multitasking when it speaks, it forces your neck is in a position called 'lateral bending position' in a long time. This causes the neck and shoulder pain, cramps and even make your arm. So also with SMS's because often cause tendonitis or inflammation of the joints of your thumb.

If you are going to talk on the phone more than a few minutes, use a Bluetooth headset your mobile phone instead of pinning the shoulder to avoid a position that can make a neck sprain.

Three, thinking the worst. Catastrophizing, or believe that a situation worse than it really can produce more stress and interfere with a person's ability to function properly. Various studies have linked to the perception that high catastrophizing to pain.

Set aside 10 minutes a day to allow yourself to worry (not when you just wake up or before you sleep). Write down everything that you fear. Prioritize your concerns according to three categories: what can you solve today, what can you break this week, or month and what you can not change at all. Make a plan of action towards the things you can change. This is change your focus from simply contemplating the problem to be doing something that you are better controlled. Eliminate from the list and remove the things that you can not change. If you wake up in the morning and start worrying, stop yourself worry-up ahead of time.

This technique trains you to delay the worry so you do not get stuck in circular thinking and help minimize the stress and pressure.

Four. saves you Sleep. "In the days before the Internet, Americans are sleeping 9 hours a night. But now the average is less than 6.5 hours,"  Dr. Teitelbaum. Your body makes growth hormone during sleep, which takes the network to ease the pain. In addition, people with chronic insomnia almost triple the risk of experiencing chronic pain,

Asleep when you feel the pain seems like an impossible mission, but self-hypnosis techniques have shown a reduction in pain and improve sleep quality. Hypnosis is an attempt to make yourself get swept up in a single object (such as a candle flame), images (imagine: on a beach) or idea (such as words or phrases).

five. Your Workplace. Maybe you did not think that just by sitting at your desk can increase the risk of pain because you are not doing things the hard for the physical, but everything from posture to your workspace settings can potentially cause injury.

Lift your shoulders around the ears due to stress can tighten your shoulders and neck muscles and trigger pain. Resting your wrist on the keyboard without the proper strut can cause a sharp pain in the wrist and hand are known as carpal tunnel syndrome. Sitting in a chair with no back support or do not let your feet touch the floor can add to the tension in your spine. First, attach a blue dot on your computer monitor and look as often as possible to remind yourself to relax your shoulders if you prefer shrugged up to his ears when stressed. Next, check the way you sit at the computer. The top of your monitor should be at or below the point of view so that the eyes do not strain your neck while looking up. Wrist and your elbow should be supported and the keyboard layout of your body should be along the arm. Your knees should be bent at an angle of 90 degrees. If your feet can not touch the floor, use a small stool to rest your feet.

last. Loneliness "We are social beings, but pain can make you pull away from the people around you and cause feelings of depression, which has long been associated with increased pain," said Dr. Bertagnolli.

"People who have good social support and use it well, can manage the pain better," said Dr. Sonty. Instead of thinking, say, skip the party with your friends because you think would not be able for to sit

Thanks For reading

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