Saturday, April 14, 2012

Want to know the milk is right for you?

Milk is a beverage that is very familiar with the children, because children need calcium for growth. The older, people actually drink less milk, but the benefits of milk is still very necessary, especially for women who need to obtain  intake of protein, calcium, potassium, and vitamins A and D.

Some women stop eating dairy because of fears of weight gain and cholesterol or because it was bored with it. whereas the content of the milk is needed by the body, There are some things most people do not realize, there are many kinds of milk, so do not be afraid to get bored, or weight high,

You need to know some kind of milk that can be selected to be consumed daily, but do not drink milk like this next picture^_^!, among others:

The first, Cow's Milk. Americans consume about 583 million cups of milk cows each year, according to statistics in 2008 from the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Cow's milk from the mammary gland is rich in calcium. Every 1 cup of cow's milk provides about 30% of daily calcium requirements (approximately 300 mg) and has a protein content, All cow's milk fortified with vitamin D, the body needs to absorb calcium. Cow's milk also contains potassium and phosphorus, which helps build strong bones and teeth.
Some people experience diarrhea and bloating after drinking cow's milk. That's because the person's lack of lactase, an enzyme that digests lactose, the natural milk sugar. If you are lactose intolerant, you can choose lactose-free milk, such as Lactaid, which has a liquid form of lactase, making it easier to digest.

Second, Goat's Milk. Goat's milk most often consumed as cheese. It was slightly sweet and sometimes have a less pleasant odor.
Goat milk has more calcium than cow's milk, with more than 30% of daily value, and the essential amino acid tryptophan and is much more to assist the process of protein in the body. Goat milk contains lactose high and even higher than cow's milk, so for those who are allergic to lactose marked bloating or diarrhea after drinking milk, it is not advisable to choose this type of milk.

Third, Soy's Milk. A popular alternative to the type of milk is soy milk is made by soaking soybeans and grinding with water to make liquid milk.
Soy milk is rich in protein and has no saturated fat. By eating 25 grams of soy protein per day in any form can reduce the risk of heart disease, according to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). "But you should notice is the soy protein can interfere with absorption of minerals, including iron. In addition, soy milk is also low in calcium," says Kerry Neville, a spokeswoman for the American Dietetic Association (ADA).

Fourth, Milk of Almond nuts. Milk is made by soaking the almonds are a great choice for people with allergies to milk. Taste a good match to be made smoothies or mixed with coffee.

Fifth, Rice Milk. "Milk is made from rice juice is good for dieters. Rice milk does not contain saturated fat and good for the heart," says Elisa Zied, author of Nutrition at Your Fingertips.
But Rice milk does not contain the same protein as cow's milk. Beverage of rice has only 1 gram of protein per cup compared to cow's milk contains 8 grams of protein. In addition to the carbohydrate content of rice milk twice as much per cup compared with cow's milk.

Sixth, milk wheat. This drink is a non-dairy alternative made ​​from extracts of wheat that has a mild flavor. Wheat milk free of saturated fat.
wheat Milk is higher carbohydrates than cow's milk and has a half-skim cow's milk protein. But most people do not like the rough structure.

And Last, Coconut' Milk. Meat and juice from coconuts that can be combined with alternative milk drink that delicious sweet taste. Coconut milk contains phosphorus, potassium and fiber is 5 grams per cup.
"One cup has 552 calories, very much when compared with the content of 80 calories in cow's milk, which may make your diet fails. Milk is also lower in calcium, which is 38 mg per cup and have less than 5.5 grams of protein, "

some alternative dairy beverages that you can choose, be willing to choose which one? if you want to try one by one? or taking it all in turn? whatever your choice it's all good for your health .. ^ ^

Thanks For Reading.

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